Thursday 28 July 2011

171 Blog assignment 3

What Owen Jones meant was that aesthetical beauty should be added integrated with its structural design and work with it rather than make it look like something it’s not and its decoration being the structure behind its design. He thought that a material should be used for what it is and not to look like something else. A design should not hide its use or compromise its functionality because of its decoration.  I agree with this as something should be decorated in a way that works with its design and not against what it is and how it works. Today many designs are made to be simple, easy to use and obvious what they are. This shows how his views are important and are now more relevant, as you would never see something today that has been so decorated to look beautiful its function is lost. Function and clarity is if not more important than its aesthetical beauty today, the way it is designed to serve a purpose should be beauty in itself.                                                                                                                                             For example looking at these two chairs, the first gothic style chair, may yes look good but the design focus has been to look beautiful rather than be a functional comfortable chair. It is not even entirely obvious that it is a chair clearly showing that its decoration has compromised its function. Whereas the other more modern chair, is still beautiful but has been decorated in a way that its function is still clear and its beauty works with the function of than chair rather than against it.

Thursday 21 July 2011

171 blog asignment 2

I believe Ferrari's automobiles are a strong example of the continuous curve as they are constantly developing their designs driven by aesthetic influences. Not to say the appearance of a Ferrari is purely aesthetic. Ferrari cars are made to look like they go fast, look as if its aesthetic design makes it go faster, as the perfect functional design may not be as beautiful as Ferrari's are. Therefore I believe the designs behind these cars are due to sensuous impulse. The curves and shapes that make these cars looks so nice, may have some aerodynamic effect which yes may help the car functionally. It is in its aesthetic design that may not be that functional but uses its visual appeal to sell and to look like a car that “looks” like it drives fast and is as good as driving a car that is functionally fast. As seen the Ferrari design has changed over the years, not only how it works but its exterior design. Which shows how visually the Ferrari has changed to stay modern with its time visually to meet its target market and its visual appeal is as, if not more important than its functional values.

Thursday 14 July 2011

171 blog asignment 1

Aviator sunglasses were originally designed by Ray ban for pilots to protect their eyes completely while flying. They have since become a cultural classic in fashion of the music and film industry, commonly seen by such icons as Michael Jackson, Slash and Tom Cruise. Today Aviators are one of the most commonly worn sunglasses and has been embedded into today’s rock culture as there is a certain personality and image that is portrayed with wearing these glasses. They are a strong innovation as they have lasted so long adopting themselves to new users and cultures as times change.