Thursday 28 July 2011

171 Blog assignment 3

What Owen Jones meant was that aesthetical beauty should be added integrated with its structural design and work with it rather than make it look like something it’s not and its decoration being the structure behind its design. He thought that a material should be used for what it is and not to look like something else. A design should not hide its use or compromise its functionality because of its decoration.  I agree with this as something should be decorated in a way that works with its design and not against what it is and how it works. Today many designs are made to be simple, easy to use and obvious what they are. This shows how his views are important and are now more relevant, as you would never see something today that has been so decorated to look beautiful its function is lost. Function and clarity is if not more important than its aesthetical beauty today, the way it is designed to serve a purpose should be beauty in itself.                                                                                                                                             For example looking at these two chairs, the first gothic style chair, may yes look good but the design focus has been to look beautiful rather than be a functional comfortable chair. It is not even entirely obvious that it is a chair clearly showing that its decoration has compromised its function. Whereas the other more modern chair, is still beautiful but has been decorated in a way that its function is still clear and its beauty works with the function of than chair rather than against it.

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