Thursday 22 September 2011

171 Blog assignment 11 - Modernism

In “The first Machine age of Europe” (Raizman) Hannes Meyer argued that design is a product of “function x economy”, aligning design with a scientific model driven by new technologies and manufacturing potential. I respect that this may have been a strong idea and drive for design in that time. As Germany was suffering a depression due to the First World War, this caused the economical situations to have a strong functional and economical influence on design of that time. Therefore I disagree that design is the result of function x economy today. However this does not mean it does not come into design at all today. The economy still has an influence on design today.
 I think that design today cannot be either a science or an art; I believe design is always a combination of the two. It is where science and art meet that something is design. There can be science behind both aesthetic and functional sides of design influencing both to make them a successful design. However design can also be expressive just as art, some designs have no scientific explanation but still benefit people and have a function. Especially today where technology is expanding and we have a much larger understanding of aesthetics and art. Everything successful we see in design today is a balanced combination of both science and art. For example the Ipad has large scientific and technological bases, which makes it functional and serve it purpose. but it that is incorporates such a visually pleasing and artistic aspect to its design, present in its physical design and interface  that is successful. The two aid each other; you could not have a design that is solely scientific based because it would be ugly. While you could also not have something solely art based because art is not functional.

 David Raizman, The First Machine Age in Europe

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