Tuesday 11 October 2011

Blog assignment 13 - Postmodernism and The Remix

The Postmodernist techniques and the remix have caused a large change in design and how we use or perceive it today. Design has become more of a part of everyone and become a strong part of design culture today. Andy Warhol was one of the first to use these contemporary design ideas and bring them to the level of everyday people, rather than Rococo where only the wealthy could appreciate it. For example his pop art which often represented everyday items such as the Campbell’s Soup can (Petty, 2011), which could be understood by everyone. Since then postmodern design has developed and is now part of everything.
An example of contemporary design today is this graffiti image done by Banksy. He has taken someone wearing a bandanna and wearing “rebellious clothing”, while standing in an aggrieve position suggesting he is going to throw a Molotov cocktail. However he has replaced the cocktail with a bouquet of flowers, which juxtaposes the initial stereotype of the person wearing rebellious clothing. The irony he has created makes people reconsider judging people based on the clothing and appearance. Banksy remixes images to create a new meaning to the image and provoking more thought through how he has portrayed the image. Using graffiti art links back to Andy Warhol and creating art for everyone to view and understand.

Woodham, J. (1997). Pop to Post-Modernism: Changing Values in Twentieth-Century Design (pp.182-203) Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
Dsdn 171 lecture slide week 13

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